Saya makin kagum pada BBC, perusahaan broadcast yang sepenuhnya dimiliki rakyat Inggris ini makin akrab dengan publiknya. Mereka baru saja meluncurkan program Creative Archive, dengan kampanye utama yang mengajak setiap orang untuk mencampur (Rip), mengolah (Mix), dan berbagai (Share) kreativitas dari 100 jam materi publikasi milik BBC. 100 jam ini adalah percobaan BBC, yang menurut statemen mereka untuk melihat jalan baru (ya, saya membacanya, revolusi/evolusi baru) dalam hak cipta TV dan radio.

The Creative Archive Licence Group was launched on April 13th 2005, by founding members the BBC, the bfi, Channel 4 and the Open University, to make content available for download under the terms of a single, shared user licence scheme. This licence, called the Creative Archive Licence, has been created for the downloading of moving images, audio and stills.

The BBC launched this website to introduce and test the novel concept behind the Creative Archive Licence with you: the audience, the market place and policy makers. Feedback We want your feedback on the licence and your understanding of it. We also want to know what kind of material and the different formats you prefer to use so that we can best prioritise digitisation and rights clearance throughout the pilot and beyond. We also hope to better understand how you will engage with the archive content we plan to release.

We, the BBC, are working hard to look at new ways to clear the copyright on TV and Radio output so that you, the British public, can get creative with it. Link

Tampaknya makin positif jalan ke depan bagi revolusi baru publikasi dan hak cipta. Lebih-lebih kalau semakin banyak media semacam BBC yang akan mendukungnya. Hidup makin indah.